Currently this class is not being offered, however if you are interested in getting notification for next time we open the class contact me and I will add you to my notification list. Generally we offer the class when there are at least five or more students, this tends to be about twice a year.
Course Summary
East Valley Astronomy Club (EVAC) is offering an introductory for planetary, Moon and Sun imaging. This course consist of three 60-90 minute weekly ZOOM meetings and three two hour labs held at the Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch in Gilbert next to the Gilbert Riparian Observatory. The focus class will cover a number of basic concepts associated with imaging the planets, Moon and the Sun. It will review the current techniques and hardware required to get the best image possible for your system. A telescope is required for this class but the club does have one camera and computer that can be rented for the capture sessions.
Course size will be limited and will be closed once limit have been reached.
Course Resources
- Materials
- Class Book (PDF) – Contains all the material we will be covering in the meetings.
- Lab Workbook (PDF) – Contains the material for the labs for this course.
- Make a Solar Filter (PDF) – Instructions on how to make a solar filter from filter paper.
- Recordings (MP4)
- 2023-11-21 Chapter 1,2,3: Course overview, Student Introductions, Setting Expectations, Atmospheric Considerations, Optical Train and Hardware.
- 2023-11-28 Chapter 3,4,5: Hardware and accessories, Optical Tube Assembly,Mounts, Cameras, Filters. Calculations and lucky imaging. Bringing it all together: Two Working Examples.
- 2023-12-05 Chapter 6: Hardware and accessories, Optical Tube Assembly,Mounts, Cameras, Filters. Calculations and lucky imaging. Bringing it all together: Two Working Examples.
Course Details
- 3 Zoom Classes and 3 hands-on Labs
- $15 for EVAC Members
- $25 for EVAC non-members
- Ages 15 and up
- Class size is limited to 5 students based on resources available
Course Schedule
As stated at the top of this page this course currently not being offered. However when it is offered this is the schedule we use:
- Pre-Lab Assessment
- Prior to our regular scheduled labs Small 2-3 student sessions typically lasting 1.5 – 3 hours will be held at my house (in Chandler, near Ray and Dobson) to cover some telescope basics. This ensures the labs will run smothly since you will have the fundamentals of telescope setup already covered. Students that own a telescope will be encouraged to bring it. For students that do not own a telescope, one will be provided.
- Weekly ZOOM Class
- 3 recorded classes, 90 minutes each
- Class Meets: TBD
- ZOOM Meeting Details: TBD
- Weekly Labs:
- Location: Gilbert Rotary Central Observatory
- Dates/Times: TBD
Student Information
The following information is required from each student for registration
- Name
- Contact Information
- Email Address
- Contact Phone Number
- Do you have a telescope you plan on bringing to the labs?
- Make & Model of telescope
- Imaging hardware list including make and model (if you have any)
Additional Online Resources
Topic | Media | Link | Comments |
Software | Website | Mac Observatory | List of MAC Planetary Imaging and Processing Applications |
Astronomy Community | Website | Cloudy Nights | One of the most popular online community groups for astronomy |
Astronomy Community | Website | EVAC | East Valley Astronomy Club: Largest astronomy club in the Phoenix Metro Area. Check out their Observing Programs |
Astronomy Community | AZ-Observing | Arizona Astronomy Group where you can get announcements, discussion, etc. through email or by logging into the website. | |
Planning | Webpage | ArtCentrics | List of astronomical events for the year |
Planning | Website | Stellarium Web | Online planetarium program |
Planning | Website | Clear Sky Chart | Forecast for Cloud Cover, Transparency, Seeing, Darkness, Smoke Wind, Humidity |
Planning | Website | TimeAndDate | Planet Angular Size, Brightness and Distance for a given date |
Planning | Website | Astronomy Tools | Field of View Calculator put in “Imaging Mode” to preview what a target will look like for your optical train setup |
Equipment | Website | Astromart | Great place to pick up used equipment. There is a yearly membership fee. |
Equipment | Video | YouTube | How To Collimate your SCT |
Equipment | Webpage | TelescopeNights | How to Collimate your Dobsonian |
Equipment | Video | YouTube | SVbony Laser Collimator and How to Use it (Newtonians) |
Applications | Software | PIPP | Planetary Imaging PreProcessor (PIPP) webpage (Free) |
Applications | Phone App | PS Align Pro | Smartphone App: Polar Scope Align Pro. For alignment of Equatorial Mounts |
Applications | Software | WinJupos | Used for processing and analyzing planetary images, but it’s much more than this and is actually the software equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife for the Solar System. |
Applications | Software | AutoStakkert! | Software used for stacking many images into one image |
Applications | Software | Registax | Used for stacking and sharpening |
Applications | Software | waveSharp | Used for sharpening images. This is new software to replace Registax |
Applications | Software | GIMP | GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP): Free replacement for Photoshop. |
Applications | Software | IrfanView | Another image manipulation software. Great for making thumbnails |