The 2025 calendar is being designed. These are desk tent calendars that make great stocking stuffers for friends and family. All photos on the calendar were taken by me or Laura. The photos for 2025 along with information on each photo is provided below. In addition to the national holidays, these calendars have major astronomical events indicated such as full moon, new moon, eclipses, important planetary events, etc. Generally events listed on the “This Years Astronomical Events” webpage are indicated on the calendar. Current estimated cost of each calendar is $6 each (Plus Shipping) provided I purchase in quantity and wait for a sale.
A copy of the images, and descriptions along with a list of the astronomical events on the calendar can be downloaded here (PDF)
The latest information on astronomical events for 2025 is listed on the “This Years Astronomical Events” page here.

Calendar Photos Information
Month / Photo | Date / Location | Details |
![]() Cover | 2024-03-09 Atacama Desert, Chile | This is a photo of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). A dwarf companion galaxy to our galaxy the Milky Way galaxy. The LMC is only visible in the southern hemisphere. The LMC is visible with the naked eye and looks like someone took a chunk of the Milky Way galaxy and placed it in a different section of sky. It is quite impressive to see in real life. This photo was taken with my small 6” telescope providing a field of view of about 4° x 3°. That’s an area of about 8 x 6 moon diameters in the sky. |
![]() January | 2024-03-11 Atacama Desert, Chile | This is a photo of the Omega Centauri Globular cluster, also known ad NGC-5139 located in the consellation Centaurus. It is the grandest globular cluster in the sky and mostly visible in the southern hemisphere. It is thought that this may be all that is left of a dwarf galaxy that had all of it’s stars stripped from it but the core stars of the galaxy. It is about 17,000 light years away from earth and appears about as large as a full moon from earth. It contains about 4 million solar masses and is the largest globular cluster associated with our galaxy. Observing this object in a large telescope made me loose my breath. By far the most spectacular celestial object I have ever seen. |
![]() February | 2024-08-11 Cross Mountain Trail Durango, Colorado | This is a photo of a Pika. These cute little guys are only found in high mountains in the rocky fields and verbalize with a squeak that can be heard when they are around. They are not overly shy, so you can usually see them if they are about the area. They are quite adorable. Here is a short video about Pikas. |
![]() March | 2024-01-26 Turks Head Peak 2822 Superstition Mountains, AZ | The Turks Head peak is visible on the left side of this photo. This is a 6 mile round-trip hike at the base of the Superstition mountains. The Superstitions are one of my favorite places to hike being only about 1 hour drive from my house and with a huge number of hikes. This photo was taken just before sunrise. |
![]() April | 2023.03.20 Granite Mountain Loop McDowell Sonoran Preserve Scottsdale, Arizona | A nice 4.2 mile hike north of Scottsdale Arizona. I took this photo during wildflower season. |
![]() May | 2023.04.04 Cave Creek Ranch, Arizona | The Gilded Flicker is a large woodpecker that is located in the Sonoran desert. A beautiful bird to view. |
![]() June | 2024.05.09 Chandler, AZ | The Whirlpool Galaxy (M-51) is located in the constellation Canes Venatici and is about 23.5 million light years away from earth. This object is actually two galaxies that are interacting with each other. The smaller galaxy is known as NGC-5195. In this photo the spiral arm of M-51 can clearly be seen interacting with it’s companion. This photo is composed of 99 individual 4 minute exposures, providing a sum exposure time of 6 hours and 36 minutes. |
![]() July | 2023.01.13 Andrews-Kinsey Trail McDowell Mountains, AZ | The Andrews – Kinsey trail is a short two-mile hike with a great view of the sun rise. In this photo Weavers Needle is easily seen. Weavers Needle is perhaps the most easily recognized formation in the area and can generally be seen just about anywhere in the east valley. |
![]() August | 2024.08.13 Colorado Trail Segment 27 Durango, Colorado | This photograph was taken shortly after starting from the trailhead of the Colorado Trail, segment 27. The trailhead is hard to reach because to get there you have to drive a very long way down a dirt road that gets rougher the further you go until you need a 4 wheel drive to actually reach the trailhead. The reward for the drive is great, this hike has non-stop views from the start and keep going as long as you want to go along this 20 mile trail. We turned back about 3.5 miles in. One of the best hikes we did in the area. |
![]() September | 2024.04.27 Island in the Sky, Snow Canyon, UT | This photo was taken from a short hike/scramble up a small mountain in Snow Canyon State Park. The top of the mountain is rather flat with a maze of small canyons and sandy area that are fun to explore. I discovered mountain top area in college and was able to hike it again with some family recently. |
![]() October | 2022.12.20 Peak 3004 Loop Goldfield Mountains, AZ | The Goldfield Mountains are located just west of the younger Superstition Mountains and does not benefit from the protected status of the Superstition wilderness area, so gets used (miss-used) by many off-road vehicles. However, you can still locate some hikes in this area that are not easily accessed by motor vehicles and this area does have some nice locations. |
![]() November | 2024.08.15 Engineer Mountain Trail Durango, Colorado | This trail is not far outside of Durango, and has some great views of the valley and Engineer Mountain. This photo is of a field just at the base of the mountain looking North East towards more mountains. The hike from the trailhead to the base of the mountain and back is about 12 miles with a 2,600 foot elevation gain reaching a top elevation of about 11,500 foot. |
![]() December | 2024.03.09 Atacama Desert, Chile | The Carinae Nebula (NGC-3372) is located in the Carina constellation and is only visible in the southern hemisphere. This nebula is about 8,500 light years away from earth. The nebula is one of the largest diffuse nebulae in our skies. Although it is four times as large as and even brighter than the famous Orion Nebula, the Carina Nebula is much less well known due to its location in the southern sky. Looking at this object in a large telescope, it felt like I was looking at clouds in the sky dotted all over with stars. |