
EVAC Outings

Information and listed events associated with the East Valley Astronomy Club

Picketpost Trailhead

Current Status/Plans 
02/22 11:00 am - Weather looking good for this evening.

Please NOTE: If you are planning on meeting at Lowes the departure time has been updated to 5:30pm since sunset is about 6:18pm.

Make sure to check out the observation list at the bottom of this page for a list of potential targets for the evening.

Download the February Evening Sky Map (PDF) from here.

Picketpost Trailhead is just outside of Superior (the turn before the Boyce Thompson Arboretum) on US 60. Just past mile marker 221 There is a sign indicating the picketpost trailhead where you turn off onto a dirt road heading south (Uno Trail). After about a mile the road comes to a "T" where it intercepts E. Saddleridge Trail road. Turn East (Left) onto Saddleridge road and follow this road to the Trailhead parking lot. Generally, the Observers will park in the West side of the parking lot while the images will park in the North side of the parking lot; This is so the observers don't upset the imagers with their lasers, or when they leave the parking lot. There are bathrooms there, but no running water.

Make sure to check road conditions/closures before you leave HERE. your destination should be “Picketpost Trailhead, Superior, AZ, USA”.

Anyone worried about finding Picketpost trailhead are welcome to meet at Lowes in Mesa where we will depart promptly at 5:30pm as a caravan. We will gather in the southern area of the parking lot. Please make sure you arrive in time!

Observing Etiquette

  • No White light – Make sure you have a red-beam flashlight. This will preserve you night vision.
  • Back-up Your Vehicle – Park your vehicle so you don’t have to backup when leaving, this will help cut down on the time it takes to leave and minimize lights from your vehicle.
  • Minimize Laser use – It’s okay to use lasers, but use them only briefly, remember there are imagers close by and we don’t want to ruin their exposures.
  • Music/Alcohol – Alcohol is not allowed on the premises; Music is generally frowned upon.
  • Be Kind – This is a great time to meet others; Introduce yourself to your neighbors, but please keep conversations away from politics, religion or other controversial topics.

Highlights of the evening: Listed below are some objects currently visible in the evening sky that you may want to check out. Difficulty rating is based on a person with very limited experience.

Additionally, you can download a sky chart (PDF) for the month on the website downloads page.

AlmachEasyAndromeda19:45Double StarSAO-037734Gold/Blue Pair
WZ CasDifficultCassiopeia19:45Optical DoubleSAO-021002Red/Blue Pair
Owl ClusterMediumCassiopeia19:45Open ClusterNGC-457Looks like an owl
VenusEasyPisces19:45PlanetN/AObserve Phase
PleiadesEasyTaurus19:45Open ClusterM-45Large well known cluster
JupiterEasyTaurus19:45PlanetN/AObserve bands and moons
M-79DifficultLepus20:00Globular ClusterNGC-1904Small Globular low on horizon
Orion NebulaEasyOrion20:00NebulaM-42Best nebula in Northern Sky
48 OriMediumOrion20:00Multiple SystemSAO-132406Fantastic 5 (4 visible) star system
Crab NebulaHardTaurus20:00Super Nova ReminateM-1Dim object, difficult to locate
PolarisEasyUrsa Minor20:15Double StarSAO-000308Nice double very easy to locate
WasatMediumGemini21:30Triple Star SystemSAO-079294Nice Triple fairly easy to locate
CastorEasyGemin21:45Double StarSAO-060198Two bright stars 5.2″ seperation
M-46HardPuppis22:00OC & PNNGC-2437Open Cluster with Planetary Neb. visible in large aperture telescopes
Bodes GalaxyHardUrsa Major00:15GalaxyM-81Wide field views will show both M-81 & M-82
Cigar GalaxyHardUrsa Major00:15GalaxyM-82Wide field views will show both M-81 & M-82
Owl NebulaDifficultUrsa Major01:30Planetary NebulaM-97Very faint; large telescope may be required
MizarEasyUras Major03:30DoubleSAL-028737Nice Double easy to locate
Garnet StarMediumCepheus04:00Carbon StarSAO-033693Quite a red star

Weather forecast for Picket Post Trailhead (Astrospheric)

Provided below is an observation Lists over 45 objects to download one of the list below right-click on the link and select “Save Link As..” option in the pop-up menu: