
Astronomy Resources

This is a repository of useful resources I have found or developed through the years. This page is broken up into the following sections:

Yoder’s Resources

Here you will find links, documents, and files to resources I have developed through the years.

Yoder’s Astronomical Targets for Observation (Revision 2024-06) – The list I developed below is for the Phoenix metro area(33 degrees latitude, with UTC of -7hrs), so should work pretty well be good for folks living in roughly the same latitude (+/- 5 degrees) and adjusting for your time zone. The list was developed from various books and online list. I then filtered the list for small to medium size telescopes (5″ – 11″) . The list was developed in the AstroPlanner application and then ported to various other formats that can be downloaded and utilized. Not all objects exported to some formats, and this is why the number of targets may vary between list. The list includes the following items:

  • 59 Carbon Stars
  • 55 Double Stars
  • 17 Triple Stars
  • 29 Multiple Stars
  • 51 Galaxies
  • 50 Open Clusters
  • 39 Globular Clusters
  • 7 Dark Nebula
  • 11 Emission Nebula
  • 7 Planetary Nebula
AstroPlanner.apdFile Download Icon260
Sky Safari Pro.skylistFile Download Icon223Not all items exported from Astro Planner to Sky Safari
Excel.xlsx260Sorted in order of: Constellation | Type | Transit Time |
PDF.pdfPDF Icon260Sorted in order of: Constellation | Type | Transit Time |

Stars of interest

Astronomy in the big city can be a challenge, don't let that stop you!  Here in the Phoenix metro area with a population of about 5 million people and quite bright skies at night the deep sky objects such as nebula and galaxies are pretty much off limits.  However, there is still plenty to see including the Sun, Moon, Planets and Various stars including Carbon Stars, and multiple star systems.  I have compiled a list of Carbon and multiple star systems that might be worth checking out.

As of 2025-03-16 I have compiled a list of 306 stars and star systems to check out. This list is provided below in various formats.

Resources for further research:
• Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Observers Handbook
Double Stars for Small Telescopes (Sissy Haas)
Observing Visual Double Stars (Paul Couteau)
The Cambridge Double Star Atlas 2nd Edition (Bruce MacEvoy, Wil Tirion)
alcyone software: Search the Bright Star Catlogue (Website)

List have been sorted by Constellation.
AstroPlanner.apdFile Download Icon
Sky Safari Pro.skylistFile Download Icon
PDF.pdfPDF Icon

Online Resources and Articles

Provided below is a list of various online resources

Useful Product websites

This list of websites are various vendors that supply equipment for astronomy.