
May Monthly Update

Hot Topic

Proper soil structure -  Your vegetable garden will need a rich, well draining soil with plenty of organic matter. Clay is very abundant in nutrients, but without the proper structure the plants can not access those nutrients. A soil that is 50% solid and 50% open or pore space is desired. Loam soil is ideal at 15% clay, and 85% silt/sand. We have been using 3 parts compost, to 1 part native or clay soil, and 1/2 part sand mixture, which produces a soil that when tested using the jar test, is a nice loam.

Jar soil test:
Determine your soil structure by placing at least a cup of sifted soil (go down 3"-6") to a large straight wall jar (quart size or larger) then add 1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of laundry detergent along with water to almost full and seal the top (mason jars work well). Shake vigorously 5 - 10 minutes, to break up and mix soil with the water. Then let it set undisturbed until the water on top is clear. At this point you should be able to see different layers. The sand will be at the bottom, then silt, then clay will be the top layer. If you have a good loam soil, then you will not see any discernable layers.

Do List

  • Increase water application as the weather warms. Vegetables to 1′, small-medium shrubs 2′ and trees to 3′ deep. Use a soil probe (long thin metal device like a long screw driver) to check water depth (probe should easily penetrate in moist soil and stop at dry soil).
  • Water trees (special attention to deciduous) deep (down to 3ft) and every 7 – 14 days.
  • Apply mulch to keep roots cool and reduce evaporation.
  • Place shade cloth (no more than 50%) over tomatoes to keep out leaf hoppers.
  • Cover fruit trees with mosquito cloth to protect from birds.

Don’t List

  • Don’t prune citrus, except for dead or damaged branches.
  • Don’t use pre-emergent in areas that you plan to plant seeds.


Note: White font listed items identify "Ideal" planting time items
  • Vegetables
    • Seeds
      • okra
    • Transplants
      • sweet potato
  • Herbs
    • Basil, Lemon grass
  • Flowers
    • Begonias, Celosia, Cosmos, Hollyhock, Mirabilis jalapa, Marigold, Sunflower, Vinca, Zinnia
  • Fruit
    • Cantaloupe
    • Transplants
      • all sub-tropical

Recipes of the Month

  • Onion Soup – It is time to harvest those home grown onions and this is a lovely way to use some of them.