
Education / Presentations

In addition to the resources provided below there are a couple of classes that have been developed for the East Valley Astronomy Club (EVAC). These classes are a combination of Web Meetings and hands on labs. Each of these classes have their own dedicated webpage (See Below) that contain the meeting recordings, class materials and additional resources.

  • Beginners Guide to Small Telescopes – This course is focused on basics of observational astronomy including a review of basic visual astronomy concepts, hardware, what things to consider when purchasing a telescope, how to use your telescope and how to plan an imaging session.
  • Planetary Imaging Primer – A introductory course on planetary imaging. Factors to consider for imaging solar system objects including the Sun, Moon, and planets. We review hardware, software and basics on processing to obtain the best images possible for your setup.

Here is a collection of presentations I have put together for various events. Each presentation has a PDF file associated with it that you can download.

2025-03PDF IconAllSky Setup InstructionsN/AInstructions on how to setup your own All Sky Camera
2024-09PDF IconSeptember Moon MadnessSMAL Meeting, EVAC MeetingDetails on four events occurring in a 24 hour period on September 17, 2024
2024-07PDF Icon3D Printed Tools for AstronomyEVAC MeetingOverview of 3D printing and how it can be used to develop unique tools for astronomy
2024-06PDF IconHands-On: Astro PlannerEVAC MeetingOn hands demonstration on the AstroPlanner application and how to use it to plan your viewing session.
2024-03PDF IconSouthern Sky Excursion
EVAC MeetingA Review of astronomy trip taken in the Atacama Desert in Chile.
2023-11PDF IconAstronomy Observation Site SearchN/AAn investigation of potential observation sites for astronomy in the area.
2023-06PDF IconDeep Sky Filters for Visual ObservationEVAC MeetingA review of the technology behind deep sky filters and how they can be used for observational astronomy.
2022-09PDF IconStar Wheel and BinocularsEVAC MeetingA presentation on how to use a Star Wheel and Binoculars for astronomy